Payment Policy

Full payment of supplements and co-payments are expected at the time of service. If you have not confirmed coverage by your health care provider or you have a deductible to meet, I will expect full payment at the time of service. If and when your insurance company should pay me, I will then refund you.

My office accepts all major credit cards (no cash, no checks). You can use Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards to pay for your visits, labs and supplements.


Cancellation/No Show Policy

Last minute cancellations of scheduled appointments and no-shows are both difficult to fill, and costly. Therefore, I ask that cancellations be made at least 48 hours previous to your appointment- not including weekends. Appointments missed or cancelled in less than 48 hours will incur a $75 charge. Exceptions to this policy may be made for emergency situations on a case-by-case basis.